What I am doing right now

Currently I am

  • learning about information geometry through the weekly theory-pdg paper discussion group at ML-KA, which I started together with Leander. Read the notes
  • working on LIDAR data semantic segmentation
  • organizing events at Hack & Söhne
  • exams

Some other things I do/did

Activities - Things I do because I enjoy them

Open Codes Hackathon (Hack & Söhne)

I was part of the organizer team for the Open Codes Hackathon. I was also a speaker at the Open Codes Hackathon. Aftermovie - Some impressions by Exxeta

OpenCodes Hackathon 2018 by Pixelmaniac


ML-KA hosts weekly paper discussions group meetings (pdg) about Machine Learning. The classic pdg is Wednesdays. Recently we started a theory-pdg branch that focusses on theoretical aspects of Machine Learning. The pace is slower and we go through the paper equation by equation (because it is so hard). Date and time via ML-KA Slack. You need a .kit.edu email address to sign in, however, you can get an invite from someone else as well.

Teaching & Workshops

During my Bachelors I had a quite high passion for teaching and giving workshops. It revived a little bit through the activites of Hack & Söhne.

Deep Learning Workshop

A workshop I did through Hack & Söhne together with Maximillian Franz and Leander. We wanted to make very low level concepts clear and not just do tensorflow.train. See workshop page here.

Writing a thesis workflow workshop

After my bachelor thesis I was frustrated that the writing workflow is so hard to learn. That’s why I made a workshop about it at IIIT Karlsruhe. The project name is Tips und Tricks zur Ausarbeitung (TiTrAa). Public material is available on github.

Linux workshops

I gave Linux Workshops at AKK Karlsruhe together with Meteorkeks. Find the notes on github

Math Tutorials

I gave math tutorials from 2014 to 2016. At some point I started having a feedbackloop where people just hit a button before leaving to answer the question “Did you understand everything today”. I monitored it over the weeks to see what I need to improve on. I specifically wrote an app for that because there was nothing out there that had what I wanted.

Tutorial Materials - Feedback sheet - Feedback Android App